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The stones of the Heart - Fourth Chakra

After several years of practice as a crystal therapist and spiritual researcher, I consider it important to make a difference between the heart area and the diaphragm area, although my school "Katrina Rafhaell's Crystal Academy of Advanced Healing" suggests the use of pink-toned stones and green, all together for the fourth chakra, I prefer to make a difference in the use of the crystal on the body, i.e. pink color directly on the Thymus and Heart.

Rose Quartz

After so many treatments, seminars, conferences I have discovered that this crystal together with Amethyst are the favorites of most Human Beings. This crystal has many properties that you can find in texts and the Internet, for me it isUNCONDITIONAL LOVE calls forth COMPASSION, GENTLENESS, ACCEPTANCE.


  • It feeds the heart

  • Develop mature feelings

  • It protects the heart from negative sensations

  • Strengthen the heart in moments of sadness

  • From courage when we feel down.


Pink and Purple

Lepidolite manifests as Kunzite, the pink-purple ray. These two colors are in fusion, but when more pink is manifested it will work effectively in calming an ailing heart, however when it has more purple hues it will be used to quiet the mind and balance the increasingly active mind.


She arrived on earth these days to serve as a bridge between two opposites, heart and mind, she combines the soft pink of rose quartz and the purple of amethyst and draws energy from them to calm and strengthen self-healing. It can be used in therapy from the forehead to the solar plexus. It has a calming effect on the heart to awaken spiritual sensations  or on the third eye to rekindle intuitive knowledge.


Lepidolite should be used after previous mental and emotional unblocking work so that there is energy release, as this crystal elevates frequencies helping the Soul to find deep peace again.




It is indicated in stress-related pathologies such as: heart disease, nervous exhaustion, dizziness and impotence.


Little known sweet crystal included by many crystal users, easy to confuse with pink kunsite, fragile and expensive.

Fuchsite with Ruby
Tourmaline Watermelon

This pink (fuchsia) and green hues heart crystal is very special and consequently difficult to find, especially at affordable prices because jewelers sell them at high prices especially because they are of gem quality. I prefer them natural and raw, less contaminated than the hand of man and of course I prefer not to pierce them.


It offers the harmonious and sweet vibrations of Pink Tourmaline and those of Green Tourmaline, a powerful Healer because it has high frequency electric vibrations to RELEASE blocked emotions, freeing the heart from the pressure due to painful blockages.. 


Pink Tourmaline

The pink vibration of Tourmaline arouses the heart chakra to a frequency that dissolves old and destructive long-stored emotions.



  • Transform the heart, remove the barriers of fear and melancholy.

  • Helps relieve anxiety and sadness.


Together with Kunzite and Rose Quartz they are part of the HEART TRINITY = for the activation of the HEART CHAKRA.





It can be used to REBALANCE negative emotional states and/or mental disorder situations.


It is the right crystal forABANDONMENT AND LIBERATION OF FEARS AND ANGUISHES that bind the heart to the past, or anxiety towards the future.


Ideal for infants and toddlers for adjustment in the early stages of life.




This crystal was recently discovered and not many crystal healing texts describe its properties. I call it the stone of the Martyr (Shadow of the number 6), people who only think about giving and giving, who are sometimes used by others without being prevented from doing so, are often fragile, insecure people with low self-esteem.


In general Fuchsite is a crystal of SELF-LIBERATION and SELF-ESTEEM, helping the individual to overcome co-dependence and emotional relapse, teaching him to resist in front of people who easily take them good energy.


Ruby, on the other hand, is one of the most loved gems in history, this crystal gives passion and mental liberation, stimulating sexuality and creativity.


Summary of this mix could be the stone to ENCOURAGE the individual to "make himself respected" but above all to measure what he GIVES and RECEIVES, being open to asking when he needs it. 

They say it is the SAVING FORCE sent by GOD with the mission of freeing the solar plexus and integrating the energies of the physical and spiritual spheres between the chakras, ie a "perfect bridge" between the physical triangle and the spiritual chakras.


Emotional blockages reduce breathing, we notice it when we can't get PRANA (vital energy) easily into our lungs, short and continuous breaths clearly show a blockage of the Heart chakra and the Solar Plexus. This blockage subsequently becomes responsible for numerous physical problems (gastro-duodenal ulcers, respiratory and pulmonary problems), digestive problems, constipation and an accentuated sense of malaise.


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Drawing Arch. Monica H. Villa Bernal 2022

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