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Parallel Lines

Treatments and Consultations

The integration of all the holistic techniques certified in recent years and the long therapeutic experience that began in 2010 have led me to constantly develop what I call "medicine for the soul".

Each instrument has been personally lived and tested, experiencing alchemy in my life with excellent results.

Tools that I have been proposing for many years in Workshops, Masterclasses and individual treatments.

Amelia was a sweet inspiration to me, paying close attention to her physical body situation, she allowed me to help her through many fearful moments in 2014. I always carry her in my heart!.


Integral holistic coach

15 years accompanying groups in meditation and SELF-OBSERVATION, small and large in the awakening of their gifts and listening to the soul.

Leaves and Energy Nodes,
loosen karmic ties.

Our Aura and energy fields suffer continuous attacks from the outside and from our rational mind, which force us to take care of our energy and above all protect ourselves from our own thoughts and what goes around. 

As as we shower everyday, it is necessary to cleanse our Aura often with sun rays, breathing negative ions from the sea or breathing inside the salt mines, but sometimes we have to go more into depth. Monicasita offers you an Auric and Ancestral Cleansing treatment to go and free old blocks of ancestors, not only biological or by birth, in this life.

Sometimes there are situations that repeat themselves several times, always hurting our heart and maybe we can't free ourselves. Or in closing cycles where everything gets stuck and you can't get out,it is necessary to cut the dry branches and roots, freeing ourselves from blocked ancestral memories.Only strong energy actions can help us FREE SPACE to bring NEW LIGHT into our existence.  


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Drawing Arch. Monica H. Villa Bernal 2022

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