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This project by Monicasita was born several years ago in Italy and little by little it came to latinoamérica. 

It is a network of light where the only intention that we have is love, the awakening of conscience and spiritual research.

What every Rainbow Soul Warrior can create for their own good and that of humanity.

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Register in this Virtual Space to receive meditations and channeled messages. Or follow me on FB in these pages.

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Studies and Courses

  • ​Tibetan Medicine Course- Dzogchen Community Zhenphenling Rome 2009.

  • Bach flower course- UPTER Rome 2010.

  • Medicine wheel with crystals- Patricia Pryen Tassini - 2010.

  • Reading of the Akashic Records- Johannes Urke 2016 to 2018.

  • Taller de Meditation 1, 2, 3- Argentina 2016.

  • Overtone singing and voice techniques- George Pinardi 2017, 2018.

  • Imaginative Writing Course- Porta Ajar Milan - 2017, 2018.

  • Intensive Week 2019 and fortnightly meetings eiVOICE group Lorenzo Pierobon.

  • REIKI master- Universal School of Reiki Colombia - 1999.

  • Crystal therapy - Crystal Academy of Advanced Healing Arts - Italy 2009, 2010, 2017.

  • Numerology of Archetypesby Guido Rossetti - Italy 2016.

  • Crystalline Angel Coach- Crystalline Angels Italy 2017.

  • Harmonic Sound Massage- Albert Rabenstein Italy 2019 - 2020.

  • Seminar with Bruce Lipton & Gregg Braden. Rome 7 - 8 September 2019.


Practices, research and inner work. 
  • Practice of Yoga and Pranayama

  • Biodance

  • Rebirthing

  • Meditation with Gong and Tibetan Bells

  • Group family constellations.

  • Meditations and harmonization with harp therapy.

  • Singing of Mantra and exercises of voice and harmonics in group.

  • Participation in groups of sound, percussion, voice and harmonization.



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Drawing Arch. Monica H. Villa Bernal 2022

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